IIT Publications Search

Calabrese C., Berti S., Pasquale G., Natale L.
Exploring Bias in Compositional Zero-shot action recognition
Workshop on Adjustable Autonomy and Physical Embodied Intelligence, European Conference On Artificial Intelligence
Abstract Report Conference
Calabrese C., Berti S., Pasquale G., Natale L.
The Impact of Compositionality in Zero-Shot Multi-Label Action Recognition for Object-Based Tasks
The 33rd IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, IEEE RO-MAN 2024
Conference Paper Conference
Caroppo E., Sapienza M., Mazza M., Sannella A., Cecchi R., Marano G., Kondo T., Calabrese C., De Lellis P.
Unveiling the Dark Nexus: A systematic review on the interplay of mental health, substance abuse, and socio-cultural factors in femicide
Legal Medicine, vol. 67
Caroppo E., Calabrese C., Mazza M., Rinaldi A., Coluzzi D., Napoli P., Sapienza M., Rosso A., Perrelli F., Rita F., Colosimo F., Bosio M., Monfrinotti I., Porfiri M., De Lellis P.
Migrants’ mental health recovery in Italian reception facilities
Communications Medicine, vol. 3, (no. 1)
Calabrese C., Bardy B.G., De Lellis P., di Bernardo M.
Modeling Frequency Reduction in Human Groups Performing a Joint Oscillatory Task
Frontiers in Psychology, vol. 12
Llobera J., Jacquat V., Calabrese C., Charbonnier C.
Playing the mirror game in virtual reality with an autonomous character
Scientific Reports, vol. 12, (no. 1)
Calabrese C., Lombardi M., Bollt E., De Lellis P., Bardy B.G., di Bernardo M.
Spontaneous emergence of leadership patterns drives synchronization in complex human networks
Scientific Reports, vol. 11, (no. 1)
Della Rossa F., Salzano D., Di Meglio A., De Lellis F., Coraggio M., Calabrese C., Guarino A., Cardona-Rivera R., De Lellis P., Liuzza D., Lo Iudice F., Russo G., di Bernardo M.
A network model of Italy shows that intermittent regional strategies can alleviate the COVID-19 epidemic
Nature Communications, vol. 11, (no. 1)
Bardy B.G., Calabrese C., De Lellis P., Bourgeaud S., Colomer C., Pla S., di Bernardo M.
Moving in unison after perceptual interruption
Scientific Reports, vol. 10, (no. 1)