IIT Projects Search

Employing Neuroergonomic solutions to Attenuate the Cerebellar Tremor

The cerebellar tremor is a dyskinetic disorder typically preventing people with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) from performing daily activities effectively. It is characterized in terms of intention tremor because its amplitude increases during a goal‐oriented and visually guided action, in particular for the upper limbs. Such a condition can severely affect the individual motivation to face the difficulties caused by the pathology alongside with the extreme variability of the disease progression and of the rehabilitative outcome. The ENACT (Employing Neuroergonomic solutions to Attenuate the Cerebellar Tremor) project aims to investigate how to attenuate the cerebellar tremor in upper limbs through wearable technologies that will assist people with MS during daily activities and rehabilitation. These systems will release multimodal feedback to attenuate the cerebellar tremor according to its motor and physiological indices, which will also feed computational models able to predict the individual MS progression and rehabilitative outcome. In order to achieve such results, ENACT adopts the approach of neuroergonomics: the neuroscientific investigation of human-machine interactions to adapt the technology to the user in real life ‐ for this reason the studies will involve people with MS, with and without cerebellar tremor.

People involved
Giacinto Barresi
Marco Crepaldi
Marco Crepaldi
Electronic Design Laboratory
Project information
Start date
End date
Total budget: 628.584,00€
Total contribution: 228.000,00€