Publications - Title

Publications and Awards


Rehab Technologies Lab is an award-winning research line of IIT and our teams actively support the scientific community with many publications, dissemination talks and other accomplishments.

IIT Publications Search

Bellato F., Ferri M., Zhu D., Le T.-H.H., Annamalai A., Rizzo M., Martin I., Goldoni L., Brescia R., Prato M., De Trizio L., Kriegel I., Manna L.
Indium Arsenide Quantum Dot Derived Catalyst for Selective CO2 Electrochemical Reduction to Formate
ACS Energy Letters, pp. 1097-1102
Roshan H., Zhu D., Piccinotti D., Dai J., De Franco M., Barelli M., Prato M., De Trizio L., Manna L., Di Stasio F.
Near Infrared Light-Emitting Diodes Based on Colloidal InAs/ZnSe Core/Thick-Shell Quantum Dots
Advanced Science
DOI 10.1002/advs.202400734 Article Journal
Liu Y., Di Stasio F., Bi C., Zhang J., Xia Z., Shi Z., Manna L.
Near-Infrared Light Emitting Metal Halides: Materials, Mechanisms, and Applications
Advanced Materials
Zuo Y., Mastronardi V., Gamberini A., Zappia M.I., Le T.-H.-H., Prato M., Dante S., Bellani S., Manna L.
Stainless Steel Activation for Efficient Alkaline Oxygen Evolution in Advanced Electrolyzers
Advanced Materials
Zhang B., Ru Y., Zhou J., Jia J., Song H., Liu Z., Zhang L., Liu X., Zhong G.-M., Yong X., Panneerselvam I.R., Manna L., Lu S.
A Robust Anti-Thermal-Quenching Phosphor Based on Zero-Dimensional Metal Halide Rb3InCl6:xSb3+
Journal of the American Chemical Society
Arciniegas M.P., Manna L.
Automated LARP synthesis identifies optimal ligand combinations for perovskite nanocrystal preparation
Device, vol. 1, (no. 6)
Zhu D., Bahmani Jalali H., Saleh G., Di Stasio F., Prato M., Polykarpou N., Othonos A., Christodoulou S., Ivanov Y.P., Divitini G., Infante I., De Trizio L., Manna L.
Boosting the Photoluminescence Efficiency of InAs Nanocrystals Synthesized with Aminoarsine via a ZnSe Thick-Shell Overgrowth
Advanced Materials, vol. 35, (no. 38)
Toso S., Baranov D., Filippi U., Giannini C., Manna L.
Collective Diffraction Effects in Perovskite Nanocrystal Superlattices
Accounts of Chemical Research, vol. 56, (no. 1), pp. 66-76
Liu Z., Pascazio R., Goldoni L., Maggioni D., Zhu D., Ivanov Y.P., Divitini G., Camarelles J.L., Jalali H.B., Infante I., De Trizio L., Manna L.
Colloidal InAs Tetrapods: Impact of Surfactants on the Shape Control
Journal of the American Chemical Society
Bellato F., Ferri M., Annamalai A., Prato M., Leoncino L., Brescia R., De Trizio L., Manna L.
Colloidal Synthesis of Nickel Arsenide Nanocrystals for Electrochemical Water Splitting
ACS Applied Energy Materials, vol. 6, (no. 1), pp. 151-159
Livakas N., Toso S., Ivanov Y.P., Das T., Chakraborty S., Divitini G., Manna L.
CsPbCl3 → CsPbI3 Exchange in Perovskite Nanocrystals Proceeds through a Jump-the-Gap Reaction Mechanism
Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol. 145, (no. 37), pp. 20442-20450
Conteh J.S., Nucci G.E.P., Fernandez Cabada T., Mai B.T., Soni N., De Donato F., Pasquale L., Catalano F., Prato M., Manna L., Pellegrino T.
CuFeS2 Nanoparticles Functionalized with a Thermoresponsive Polymer for Photothermia and Externally Controlled Drug Delivery
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, vol. 15, (no. 19), pp. 22999-23011
Quarta D., Toso S., Fieramosca A., Dominici L., Caliandro R., Moliterni A., Tobaldi D.M., Saleh G., Gushchina I., Brescia R., Prato M., Infante I., Cola A., Giannini C., Manna L., Gigli G., Giansante C.
Direct Band Gap Chalcohalide Semiconductors: Quaternary AgBiSCl2 Nanocrystals
Chemistry of Materials, vol. 35, (no. 23), pp. 9900-9906
Zhang B., Liang Q., Yong X., Wu H., Chu Z., Ma Y., Brovelli S., Manna L., Lu S.
Facet-Defect Tolerant Bi-Doped Cs2AgxNa1-xInCl6 Nanoplatelets with a Near-Unity Photoluminescence Quantum Yield
Nano Letters, vol. 23, (no. 19), pp. 9050-9055
Zappia M.I., Mastronardi V., Bellani S., Zuo Y., Bianca G., Gabatel L., Gentile M., Bagheri A., Beydaghi H., Drago F., Ferri M., Moglianetti M., Pompa P.P., Manna L., Bonaccorso F.
Graphene vs. carbon black supports for Pt nanoparticles: Towards next-generation cathodes for advanced alkaline electrolyzers
Electrochimica Acta, vol. 462

IIT Publications List

Maludrottu S., Laffranchi M., Vassallo C., Vaccaro R., De Michieli L.
iF DESIGN AWARD 2022 - Twin Exoskeleton
Laffranchi M., Traverso S., Vaccaro R., Maludrottu S., Poli F., De Bartolomeis L., Diamanti G., Gruppioni E., De Michieli L.
Good Design
Laffranchi M.
Robotics 2020 Young Investigator Award
Laffranchi M., Boccardo N., Traverso S., Lombardi L., Canepa M., Lince A., Semprini M., Saglia J.A., Naceri A., Sacchetti R., et al.
XXVI Compasso d'oro
Colombi I.
PhD thesis award in Neuroengineering "MASSIMO GRATTAROLA" (17^ Ed.)
Laffranchi M., Boccardo N., Traverso S., Lince A., Canepa M., Saglia J., Gruppioni E., Sacchetti R., Diamanti G., Poli F., et al.
ADI Design Index
Laffranchi M., Boccardo N., Traverso S., Lombardi L., Canepa M., Lince A., Semprini M., Saglia J.A., Naceri A., Sacchetti R., et al.
ADI Design Index
Laffranchi M., Boccardo N., Traverso S., Lombardi L., Canepa M., Lince A., Semprini M., Saglia J.A., Naceri A., Sacchetti R., et al.
Good Design
Semprini M.
selected as "reviewer of the year" for Journal of Neural Engineering
Laffranchi M.
Best Jubilee Video Award