Publications - Title

Publications and Awards


Rehab Technologies Lab is an award-winning research line of IIT and our teams actively support the scientific community with many publications, dissemination talks and other accomplishments.

IIT Publications Search

Award Achievements
De Pietri Tonelli D.
Corresponding Member of the Accademia Ligure di Scienze e Lettere
De Pietri Tonelli D.
Committee Member for the PhD evaluation of the course in "Biotecnologie in Medicina Traslazionale" XXXV ciclo – University of Genoa
De Pietri Tonelli D.
Committee Member for the PhD evaluation of the course in "Neuroscience & Neurotechnologies" Ciclo XXXV – University of Genoa
De Pietri Tonelli D.
Course on Human Subjects Research for Biomedical Research - Basic Course – Under requirements set by: NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration
De Pietri Tonelli D.
Qualification as full professor in the Italian higher education system, for the disciplinary field of 05/E2 - Molecular biology. (Academic Recruitment Field 05/E - Experimental and clinical biochemistry and molecular biology, according to the national classification).
DE Pietri Tonelli D.
Qualification as full professor in the Italian higher education system, for the disciplinary field of 05/F1 - Applied Biology, according to the national classification.
De Pietri Tonelli D.
Committee member for the promotion to Technologist Head of the Neurofacility @CCT Genoa
De Pietri Tonelli D.
Committee member for the promotion to Tenured Researcher at @CHT Genova
De Pietri Tonelli D.
Neurofacility Coordinator (Ad interim)
De Pietri Tonelli D.
Committee member for the promotion to Technologist position at IIT @CGS Milan
De Pietri Tonelli D.
National Habilitation as Associate professor in Applied Biology
De Pietri Tonelli D.
National Habilitation as Associate professor in Comparative Anatomy and Citology
De Pietri Tonelli D.
National Habilitation as Associate professor in Molecular Biology

IIT Publications List

Macaluso A., Bottino A., Pratticò F.G., Lamberti F., Galletti C., Storchi C., Podda J., Tacchino A., Brichetto G., Boccardo N., et al.
Best Session Presentation - Executive Control in a Mixed Reality Exergame for Motor-Cognitive Rehabilitation in Multiple Sclerosis
Maludrottu S., Laffranchi M., Vassallo C., Vaccaro R., De Michieli L.
iF DESIGN AWARD 2022 - Twin Exoskeleton
Laffranchi M., Traverso S., Vaccaro R., Maludrottu S., Poli F., De Bartolomeis L., Diamanti G., Gruppioni E., De Michieli L.
Good Design
Laffranchi M.
Robotics 2020 Young Investigator Award
Laffranchi M., Boccardo N., Traverso S., Lombardi L., Canepa M., Lince A., Semprini M., Saglia J.A., Naceri A., Sacchetti R., et al.
XXVI Compasso d'oro
Colombi I.
PhD thesis award in Neuroengineering "MASSIMO GRATTAROLA" (17^ Ed.)
Laffranchi M., Boccardo N., Traverso S., Lince A., Canepa M., Saglia J., Gruppioni E., Sacchetti R., Diamanti G., Poli F., et al.
ADI Design Index
Laffranchi M., Boccardo N., Traverso S., Lombardi L., Canepa M., Lince A., Semprini M., Saglia J.A., Naceri A., Sacchetti R., et al.
ADI Design Index
Laffranchi M., Boccardo N., Traverso S., Lombardi L., Canepa M., Lince A., Semprini M., Saglia J.A., Naceri A., Sacchetti R., et al.
Good Design
Semprini M.
selected as "reviewer of the year" for Journal of Neural Engineering