Publications - Title

Publications and Awards


Rehab Technologies Lab is an award-winning research line of IIT and our teams actively support the scientific community with many publications, dissemination talks and other accomplishments.

IIT Publications Search

Monteleone S., Negrello F., Grioli G., Catalano M.G., Bicchi A., Garabini M.
A method to benchmark the balance resilience of robots
Frontiers Robotics AI, vol. 9
Fossati M.R., Grioli G., Catalano M.G., Bicchi A.
From Robotics to Prosthetics: What Design and Engineering Can Do Better Together
ACM Transactions on Human-Robot Interaction, vol. 12, (no. 2)
Fossati M.R., Catalano M.G., Grioli G., Carbone M., Caporale D., Lentini G., Poggiani M., Maimeri M., Barbarossa M., Petrocelli C., Ferrari M., Gesi M., Viglialoro R.M., Ferrari V., Bicchi A.
Technological Low Hanging Fruits Involved in Combating the COVID 19 Pandemic
Springer Series in Design and Innovation, vol. 26, pp. 109-123
Capsi-Morales P., Piazza C., Grioli G., Bicchi A., Catalano M.G.
The SoftHand Pro platform: a flexible prosthesis with a user-centered approach
Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, vol. 20, (no. 1)
Capsi-Morales P., Catalano M.G., Grioli G., Schiavon L., Fiaschi E., Bicchi A.
Adaptable Poly-Articulated Bionic Hands EnhanceBoth Performance and User's Perception in Bilateral Amputation: A Case Study
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, vol. 30, pp. 2437-2445
Catalano M.G., Pollayil M.J., Grioli G., Valsecchi G., Kolvenbach H., Hutter M., Bicchi A., Garabini M.
Adaptive Feet for Quadrupedal Walkers
IEEE Transactions on Robotics, vol. 38, (no. 1), pp. 302-316
Monteleone S., Negrello F., Catalano MG., Grioli G., Garabini M.
A Method to Benchmark the Balance Resilience of Robots
Frontiers Robotics AI
Article Journal
Kong F., Monteleone S., Grioli G., Catalano M.G., Bicchi A.
A Robotic Aerial Platform with Functionally Anthropomorphic Arms designed for Physical Interaction
IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, vol. 2022-October, pp. 7581-7588
DOI 10.1109/IROS47612.2022.9981910 Conference Paper Conference
Ozdamar I., Laghi M., Grioli G., Ajoudani A., Catalano M., Bicchi A.
A Shared Autonomy Reconfigurable Control Framework for Telemanipulation of Multi-arm Systems
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters
Article Journal
Ozdamar I., Laghi M., Grioli G., Ajoudani A., Catalano M.G., Bicchi A.
A Shared Autonomy Reconfigurable Control Framework for Telemanipulation of Multi-Arm Systems
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 7, (no. 4), pp. 9937-9944
Trompetto C., Catalano M.G., Farina A., Grioli G., Mori L., Ciullo A., Pittaluga M., Rossero M., Puce L., Bicchi A.
A soft supernumerary hand for rehabilitation in sub-acute stroke: a pilot study
Scientific Reports, vol. 12, (no. 1)
Monteleone S., Negrello F., Catalano M.G., Garabini M., Grioli G.
Damping in Compliant Actuation: A Review
IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, vol. 29, (no. 3), pp. 47-66
Monteleone S., Negrello F., Grioli G., Catalano M.G.
dSEDA: a Differential Series Elastic Damped Actuator
Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pp. 11395-11401
DOI 10.1109/ICRA46639.2022.9811727 Conference Paper Conference
Ortiz J., Grioli G., Rossiter J., Helps T., Sadeghi A., Xiloyannis M.
Editorial: Actuation, sensing and control systems for soft wearable assistive devices
Frontiers Robotics AI, vol. 9
Benoussaad M., Grioli G., Wan W., Rakotondrabe M.
Editorial: “Physical human-robot interaction and co-manipulation: Mechatronics approaches”
Mechatronics, vol. 86

IIT Publications List

Macaluso A., Bottino A., Pratticò F.G., Lamberti F., Galletti C., Storchi C., Podda J., Tacchino A., Brichetto G., Boccardo N., et al.
Best Session Presentation - Executive Control in a Mixed Reality Exergame for Motor-Cognitive Rehabilitation in Multiple Sclerosis
Maludrottu S., Laffranchi M., Vassallo C., Vaccaro R., De Michieli L.
iF DESIGN AWARD 2022 - Twin Exoskeleton
Laffranchi M., Traverso S., Vaccaro R., Maludrottu S., Poli F., De Bartolomeis L., Diamanti G., Gruppioni E., De Michieli L.
Good Design
Laffranchi M.
Robotics 2020 Young Investigator Award
Laffranchi M., Boccardo N., Traverso S., Lombardi L., Canepa M., Lince A., Semprini M., Saglia J.A., Naceri A., Sacchetti R., et al.
XXVI Compasso d'oro
Colombi I.
PhD thesis award in Neuroengineering "MASSIMO GRATTAROLA" (17^ Ed.)
Laffranchi M., Boccardo N., Traverso S., Lince A., Canepa M., Saglia J., Gruppioni E., Sacchetti R., Diamanti G., Poli F., et al.
ADI Design Index
Laffranchi M., Boccardo N., Traverso S., Lombardi L., Canepa M., Lince A., Semprini M., Saglia J.A., Naceri A., Sacchetti R., et al.
ADI Design Index
Laffranchi M., Boccardo N., Traverso S., Lombardi L., Canepa M., Lince A., Semprini M., Saglia J.A., Naceri A., Sacchetti R., et al.
Good Design
Semprini M.
selected as "reviewer of the year" for Journal of Neural Engineering