Publications - Title

Publications and Awards


Rehab Technologies Lab is an award-winning research line of IIT and our teams actively support the scientific community with many publications, dissemination talks and other accomplishments.

IIT Publications Search

Tassi F.
Hierarchical Control for Optimal Human-Robot Collaboration
PhD Thesis Book
Zhao J., Giardini Lahr G., Tassi F., Santopaolo A., De Momi E., Ajoudani A.
Impact-Friendly Object Catching at Non-Zero Velocity based on Hybrid Optimization and Learning
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems
Conference Paper Conference
Tassi F., Ajoudani A.
Multi-Modal and Adaptive Robot Control through Hierarchical Quadratic Programming
Research Square
DOI 10.21203/ Article E-print Archive
Tassi F., De Momi E., Ajoudani A.
An adaptive compliance Hierarchical Quadratic Programming controller for ergonomic human–robot collaboration
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, vol. 78
Tassi F., Gholami S., Giudice S., Ajoudani A.
Impact Planning and Pre-configuration based on Hierarchical Quadratic Programming
Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pp. 1433-1439
Tassi F., Iodice F., De Momi E., Ajoudani A.
Sociable and Ergonomic Human-Robot Collaboration through Action Recognition and Augmented Hierarchical Quadratic Programming
IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, vol. 2022-October, pp. 10712-10719
Gholami S., Tassi F., De Momi E., Ajoudani A.
A Reconfigurable Interface for Ergonomic and Dynamic Tele-Locomanipulation
IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, pp. 4260-4267
Tassi F., de Momi E., Ajoudani A.
Augmented Hierarchical Quadratic Programming for Adaptive Compliance Robot Control
Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, vol. 2021-May, pp. 3568-3574

IIT Publications List

Maludrottu S., Laffranchi M., Vassallo C., Vaccaro R., De Michieli L.
iF DESIGN AWARD 2022 - Twin Exoskeleton
Laffranchi M., Traverso S., Vaccaro R., Maludrottu S., Poli F., De Bartolomeis L., Diamanti G., Gruppioni E., De Michieli L.
Good Design
Laffranchi M.
Robotics 2020 Young Investigator Award
Laffranchi M., Boccardo N., Traverso S., Lombardi L., Canepa M., Lince A., Semprini M., Saglia J.A., Naceri A., Sacchetti R., et al.
XXVI Compasso d'oro
Colombi I.
PhD thesis award in Neuroengineering "MASSIMO GRATTAROLA" (17^ Ed.)
Laffranchi M., Boccardo N., Traverso S., Lince A., Canepa M., Saglia J., Gruppioni E., Sacchetti R., Diamanti G., Poli F., et al.
ADI Design Index
Laffranchi M., Boccardo N., Traverso S., Lombardi L., Canepa M., Lince A., Semprini M., Saglia J.A., Naceri A., Sacchetti R., et al.
ADI Design Index
Laffranchi M., Boccardo N., Traverso S., Lombardi L., Canepa M., Lince A., Semprini M., Saglia J.A., Naceri A., Sacchetti R., et al.
Good Design
Semprini M.
selected as "reviewer of the year" for Journal of Neural Engineering
Laffranchi M.
Best Jubilee Video Award